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October 19 2021 •  Episode 001

Experimentation Masters - Product Experimentation Podcast (Trailer)

“The enemy is not your competition, its old ways of doing things.”

Did you know that research conducted by AC Nielsen found that of 24,543 new products launched in one year, 85% failed to meet business expectations?

We have absolutely no idea what is going to work. We can’t predict human behaviours and motivations with any level of certainty.

But here’s the real problem that you’re facing, decision-making can be a stressful and nerve-wracking experience.

The truth is, our decisions make or break our career. Good decision makers get promoted and poor decision makers don’t.

Relying on your instincts, intuition, or a hunch to make important business decisions frequently delivers suboptimal outcomes.

There is a solution, and that solution is product experimentation.

Listen to the Experimentation Masters Podcast to be a more confident and successful product leader.

Learn practical tips, methods, and techniques from world-leading experts in experimentation.

Let me help you to beat the odds.


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Did you know that research suggests that up to 85% of new product launches fail to meet business expectations?

We have absolutely no idea what is going to work. We can't predict human behaviours and motivations with any level of confidence.

Relying on your instincts, intuition, or a hunch to make important product decisions frequently delivers suboptimal outcomes.

The truth is good decision makers get promoted. Our decisions make or break our career.

There is a solution, and that solution is experimentation.

Scientists have spent hundreds of years formulating experiments to test their hypotheses. They understand that this is the best way to learn, so that they can continually advance their knowledge and understanding.

Conducting many small experiments enables you to understand what works, and what doesn't.

Listen to Experimentation Masters to be a more confident and successful leader. Learn practical tips, methods, and techniques from world-leading experts in experimentation.

You'll hear how to design more effective experiments and the ways to cultivate a culture of experimentation in your organisation.

The faster that you can learn from your customers, the better decisions you can make, which means you can create and deliver value for your customers faster than your competitors.

Let me help you to beat the odds. Have more impact in your organisation.

So, come and check out Experimentation Masters, the product experimentation podcast.


“Experimentation is about active learning and value creation. The faster you can learn, the faster you can make decisions, which means you can create and deliver value to your customers faster. Experimentation is a true competitive advantage.”


Get instant access to expert coaching on experimentation.

Ready to learn how to become a more successful and confident leader with experimentation from the best in the world?

Have greater impact with your decisions. Level up your career.

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